This second collection of cottages reflects Maine’s charming atmosphere and architecture.
Author Kathleen Hackett, photographer Maura McEvoy and stylist Basha Burwell continue to visit and document the most quintessential Maine cottages in this sequel to The Maine House.

As the native Maine authors muse in their introduction to The Maine House II, “This second volume represents a mission, one that aims to illustrate that it is possible, indeed essential, to rescue Maine’s quirky architectural history if we are going to preserve its singular nature, one that goes hand in hand with a reverence for the land.”

Charming photos of one-of-a-kind cottages frame the stories of their inhabitants. After all, a home is a representation of its owner, from its architectural style to the color of its cabinets.

Each of the stories captured in The Maine House II are unique, yet they all share important themes. A group of bungalows on the waterfront and a lighthouse-turned-home may sound like two starkly different experiences, but both homeowners note the sense of peace that exudes from Maine’s natural landscapes. They both feel the love of the community surrounding them and they share the attitude that they are caretakers of their abodes—not their masters.

The Maine House II reminds us that classic architecture is to be revered, not left to crumble and decay. Browse through these stories about homeowners who would all agree that “falling in love with a house isn’t all that much different from falling in love with a person.” Let Maine inspire you!
If you love seaside cottages, don’t miss Colorful Coastal Cottages and Beach Cottage Homage. Of course, don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest to get your daily dose of cottage inspiration!