Let color be your guide
The color scheme in your kitchen should be obvious from behind your glass doors. Here, splashes of red and turquoise pop against the white cabinetry. Stemware and everyday glasses sparkle and offer a break between the colorful accents.

Think before you shelve
Don’t just haphazardly start stacking dishes and coffee mugs onto the shelves. Think of this cabinet as a display piece, and use it as an opportunity to showcase collectible and vintage finds that don’t have a home on your counter.

Combine display with function
Here, the cabinet does double duty as display and functional shelving. Items likely to be used more often, like drinking glasses, are on the bottom within easy reach. Score for functionality. On the difficult-to-reach top-shelf, vintage collectibles are displayed. Score for decor.
Each shelf in this cabinet has a splash of color that makes a fun and stylish statement. By using these tips behind your kitchen’s glass cabinets, you will achieve a fresh look sure to please everyone.